
Hi there! I’m Luna and I’m here to give opinions no one asked for.

I am a very opinionated person so who better to review movies, TV shows and books you’ve been meaning to get to than a very judgemental person like me!

Most of the reviews you see on here will be for self-published books. I am a huge fan of indie books and I want to do everything in my power to help self-published authors in anyway I can.

If you like what I write, please smash those like and follow buttons, even leave a comment. I would love to hear your opinions on what I’ve reviewed. There’s nothing like discussing books with other book nerds. Maybe we can start a book club!

I love discovering new things to judge so head on over to my contact page to let me know what you want me to review next.

If you want to find me in other places, I have Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and Goodreads. Maybe one day I’ll get a Facebook page, we’ll see.

And if you’re feeling generous, consider buying me a coffee! It will help this nerd to stay up late and review more things for ya.

– Luna